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Chinese translation for "boxing and unboxing"


Related Translations:
unboxed:  未装箱
unboxing:  拆箱、拆箱转换
unbox:  拆箱取消装箱
unboxing convenions:  非封箱转换
unboxing conversions:  非封箱转换
Example Sentences:
1.Also , boxing and unboxing do not support pointers
2.C programming guide boxing and unboxing c programming guide
装箱和取消装箱( c #编程指南)
3.Boxing and unboxing c programming guide
装箱和取消装箱( c #编程指南)
4.Boxing and unboxing are computationally expensive processes
5.Boxing and unboxing enable value types to be treated as objects
6.Boxing and unboxing allow any type to be treated as an object
7.The following statements demonstrate both boxing and unboxing operations
8.And unbox data destined for output . boxing and unboxing reduce performance
9.Boxing and unboxing typically occur if storing or retrieving a value type in a collection of type
10.The debugger expression evaluator does not support boxing and unboxing in visual c
调试器表达式运算符不支持visual c + +中的装箱和取消装箱。
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